Services and Fees (Effective as of January 25th, 2024)

To initiate a new service, you must fill out an application and turn it in to the HVWD office (located at 47781 Twin Pines Rd) as well as provide proof of ownership of the property you are starting service at and a valid California ID. The property owner must be present at the time of start up for verification purposes. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Monthly Service Fee
$82.74 - Residential Base Rate for 0 to 1,000 cubic feet
$0.1124 for each additional cubic foot over the monthly allotted 1,000 cu. ft.
$134.49 - Commercial Base Rate for 0 to 1,000 cubic feet
$0.1847 for each additional cubic foot over the monthly allotted 1,000 cu. ft.
Mandatory Deposit
$200.00 Residential
*Returned to renters after the calculation of the final invoice
** May be higher/raised for delinquent accounts or higher usage customers
$500.00 - 3/4'' Commercial
$800.00 - 1'' Commercial
*Returned upon permanent closure of account and after the calculation of the final invoice
New Service/Connection Fee
* Amount higher during after hours, weekends and holidays
Re-Connection Fee (after being shut off for non-payment)
$35.00* plus balance owed and deposit
* Amount higher during after hours, weekends and holidays
Door Hanger/Notice Fee
Late Fee
3.00% of total balance per month (billing cycle)
Meter Tap Fee (3/4'' inch meter)
*Additional cost for larger meters
**Meter size needed for property TBD/approved by the General Manager
Construction Meter (1 inch meter)
$100.00 per 2,000 gallon load
$500.00 mandatory deposit
Monthly Service Fee
$82.74 - Residential Base Rate for 0 to 1,000 cubic feet
$0.1124 for each additional cubic foot over the monthly allotted 1,000 cu. ft.
$134.49 - Commercial Base Rate for 0 to 1,000 cubic feet
$0.1847 for each additional cubic foot over the monthly allotted 1,000 cu. ft.
Mandatory Deposit
$200.00 Residential
*Returned to renters after the calculation of the final invoice
** May be higher/raised for delinquent accounts or higher usage customers
$500.00 - 3/4'' Commercial
$800.00 - 1'' Commercial
*Returned upon permanent closure of account and after the calculation of the final invoice
New Service/Connection Fee
* Amount higher during after hours, weekends and holidays
Re-Connection Fee (after being shut off for non-payment)
$35.00* plus balance owed and deposit
* Amount higher during after hours, weekends and holidays
Door Hanger/Notice Fee
Late Fee
3.00% of total balance per month (billing cycle)
Meter Tap Fee (3/4'' inch meter)
*Additional cost for larger meters
**Meter size needed for property TBD/approved by the General Manager
Construction Meter (1 inch meter)
$100.00 per 2,000 gallon load
$500.00 mandatory deposit
The High Valleys Water District is operated by a staff of 4 full-time employees, as well as, governed by a publicly elected and /or appointed Board of Directors that consists of 5 property owners within the Twin Pines/Poppet Flats community
Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors are held at the District's office in Twin Pines (unless otherwise stated on the posted Agenda) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and are open to the public. Meetings start promptly at 3:00 p.m. You may request a copy of the minutes at the district office which includes a fee of $0.50 per black and white page and $0.75 per colored page. Minutes are available at no cost online for the public's review.
Water Meters are read on or around the 25th of each month, and utility invoice cards are mailed out promptly on the next regular business day. The due date is printed on the invoice, which is approximately 25 days from the billing date. The charge you see is for the dates indicated on the left of the postcard.
Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors are held at the District's office in Twin Pines (unless otherwise stated on the posted Agenda) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and are open to the public. Meetings start promptly at 3:00 p.m. You may request a copy of the minutes at the district office which includes a fee of $0.50 per black and white page and $0.75 per colored page. Minutes are available at no cost online for the public's review.
Water Meters are read on or around the 25th of each month, and utility invoice cards are mailed out promptly on the next regular business day. The due date is printed on the invoice, which is approximately 25 days from the billing date. The charge you see is for the dates indicated on the left of the postcard.