Mar 19th - Board Meeting; starts promptly at 3:00 p.m.
Located at the High Valleys Water District Office, 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, California 92220.
Meetings are open to the public (minus closed sessions).
Mar 17th - Auto Payments
** If interested in signing up for automatic payments, please contact the office at 951-849-2612
Mar 22nd - December's invoice payment due
** water usage from 01/27/25 to 02/24/25
Mar 25th - Meters will be read.
** Please make sure our technicians have clear access to your meter.
Mar 26th - Invoices to be mailed out to customers.
** for water usage between 02/24/25 to 03/25/25
Check below for important updates and messages from our General Manager, Curtis "Stan" Houghton.
Check below for important updates and messages from our General Manager, Curtis "Stan" Houghton.
The High Valleys Water District is currently accepting applications for an interim per diem office assistant. Please contact the office during business hours for more information.
1/28/25: ATTENTION RESIDENTS: Please expect road delays on Twin Pines Road between the areas of Summer Breeze and Wonderview Road from January 29th, 2025 to February 28th, 2025. The construction has begun on the Twin Pines Line Extension Project and the beginning work may cause some traffic. Thank you for your patience.
1/18/2024: The Board of Directors approved Resolution #290: Authorizing New Water Rates at last's night's Board Meeting and Public Hearing. The new rates will go into effect on January 24th, 2024 and will begin to reflect on February 2024's invoice. The new rates are as follows;
Residential Fixed Charge (0 to 1,000 cubic feet) $ 82.74
Residential Variable Charge (per cubic foot over 1,000) $ 0.1124
Commercial Fixed Charge (0 to 1,000 cubic feet) $134.49
Commercial Variable Charge (per cubic foot over 1,000) $ 0.1847
Residential Fixed Charge (0 to 1,000 cubic feet) $ 82.74
Residential Variable Charge (per cubic foot over 1,000) $ 0.1124
Commercial Fixed Charge (0 to 1,000 cubic feet) $134.49
Commercial Variable Charge (per cubic foot over 1,000) $ 0.1847
10/19/23: At yesterday's regularly scheduled Board meeting held on October 18th, 2023, the Directors voted to approve the following additional services fee increases which will be effective January 2024;
Service Current New
¾’’ Meter Tap Fee $3,500.00 $5,000.00
1’’ Meter Tap Fee $4,000.00 $7,000.00
1.5’’ Meter Tap Fee (GM Approval required) $6,000.00 $10,000.00
2.0’’ Meter Tap Fee (GM Approval required) $6,500.00 $12,000.00
After Hours/Weekend/Holiday Service $0 $25.00 added per service
Backflow Test $25.00 $35.00
Connection Fee (New Service/Standby) $25.00 $25.00
Copies (Invoices, Account History, etc) $0.25 per page $0.50 per page
Deposit (Residential) $112.00 $200.00
Deposit returned to owners 12 months After Final Invoice
Door Hanger/Final Notice $15.00 $15.00
Fire Flow & Hydrant Test $0 $25.00 per test
Late Fee 1.50% 3.00%
Lien Document (Placing Lien) $0 $55.00 per document
Lien Document (Removing Lien) $28.00 per document $75.00 per document
Non Sufficent Funds/Returned Check $15.00 $15.00
Notary $15.00 per signature $15.00 per signature
Official Letters (Address Verification, Credit Check, etc) $0 $10.00
Pressure Line Test (First Test) $0 $0
Pressure Line Test (Re-tests) $0 $125.00
Re-Connection Fee (Disconnection for Non-Payment) $25.00 + deposit /balance $35.00 + deposit /balance
Service Current New
¾’’ Meter Tap Fee $3,500.00 $5,000.00
1’’ Meter Tap Fee $4,000.00 $7,000.00
1.5’’ Meter Tap Fee (GM Approval required) $6,000.00 $10,000.00
2.0’’ Meter Tap Fee (GM Approval required) $6,500.00 $12,000.00
After Hours/Weekend/Holiday Service $0 $25.00 added per service
Backflow Test $25.00 $35.00
Connection Fee (New Service/Standby) $25.00 $25.00
Copies (Invoices, Account History, etc) $0.25 per page $0.50 per page
Deposit (Residential) $112.00 $200.00
Deposit returned to owners 12 months After Final Invoice
Door Hanger/Final Notice $15.00 $15.00
Fire Flow & Hydrant Test $0 $25.00 per test
Late Fee 1.50% 3.00%
Lien Document (Placing Lien) $0 $55.00 per document
Lien Document (Removing Lien) $28.00 per document $75.00 per document
Non Sufficent Funds/Returned Check $15.00 $15.00
Notary $15.00 per signature $15.00 per signature
Official Letters (Address Verification, Credit Check, etc) $0 $10.00
Pressure Line Test (First Test) $0 $0
Pressure Line Test (Re-tests) $0 $125.00
Re-Connection Fee (Disconnection for Non-Payment) $25.00 + deposit /balance $35.00 + deposit /balance
8/28/23: *** Attention All Customers and Residents ***
We are aware that there are several customers in Twin Pines who are experiencing low to no water pressure. The General Manager and our technicians are working to expedite the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working hard to reinstate normal service. At this time we are asking all customers in the District to refrain from using water for non-necessities. This means no watering gardens/trees/plants, filling pools, bathing animals, washing cars, etc. We appreciate your cooperation as we work diligently to resolve this issue. Cases of water are available for pick up at the District Office for effected customers (call 951-849-2612 to arrange pickup time). Please help us spread this information by telling your neighbors and anyone who may not have internet access to view this notice. Thank you.
We are aware that there are several customers in Twin Pines who are experiencing low to no water pressure. The General Manager and our technicians are working to expedite the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working hard to reinstate normal service. At this time we are asking all customers in the District to refrain from using water for non-necessities. This means no watering gardens/trees/plants, filling pools, bathing animals, washing cars, etc. We appreciate your cooperation as we work diligently to resolve this issue. Cases of water are available for pick up at the District Office for effected customers (call 951-849-2612 to arrange pickup time). Please help us spread this information by telling your neighbors and anyone who may not have internet access to view this notice. Thank you.
The general manager has asked me to inform everyone to please conserve water as much as possible for the next 3 to 4 days as we are currently down a pump. There is no issues with our water itself but without the pump we're unable to get water from Banning up here to our tanks to supply to you all. He is currently in the process of contacting all known vendors to try and replace the pump as soon as possible but in the meantime please refrain from watering gardens and trees and grass or any other unnecessary water usage at this time. Please help us spread this information by telling your neighbors and anyone who may not have internet access. We appreciate your cooperation at this time and thank you for your efforts and helping with this issue.
The general manager has asked me to inform everyone to please conserve water as much as possible for the next 3 to 4 days as we are currently down a pump. There is no issues with our water itself but without the pump we're unable to get water from Banning up here to our tanks to supply to you all. He is currently in the process of contacting all known vendors to try and replace the pump as soon as possible but in the meantime please refrain from watering gardens and trees and grass or any other unnecessary water usage at this time. Please help us spread this information by telling your neighbors and anyone who may not have internet access. We appreciate your cooperation at this time and thank you for your efforts and helping with this issue.
6/20/23: Over the next few weeks, the technicians will be clearing and cleaning out all of the existing service meters of dirt and debris. This may or may not cause a change in your billing total due to the meters not reading accurately in past months. If you have any questions, please contact the office during business hours at 951-849-2612. Thank you.
4/29/23: On August 29th, 2023, the following seats shall be up for election:
The Notice of Election shall be published in the District’s local newspaper, the Record Gazette, by the Registrar of Voters. If you are a landowner in the High Valleys Water District’s jurisdiction and are interested in running against the above stated incumbents, you may request a Candidacy Packet in person from the Registrar of Voters Office (located at 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507). You may also obtain a Candidacy Packet from the Board Secretary, Nera Thornton, at the High Valleys Water District’s office (located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220; please call our office in advance to ensure a packet will be available).
You will be required to provide a valid picture ID, most recent tax bill naming candidate as the landowner, proof of active voter registration, and most recent High Valleys Water District billing statement. Please note that the District will not pay for any candidacy statements and the cost of printing and handling the statement must be paid by the candidate at the time of filing.
The nomination period will begin May 6th, 2023 and end on June 2nd, 2023.
** Should no one run against the above stated, the Registrar of Voters, along with the Board of Supervisors, shall appoint the incumbents back to their positions and the District will not have to pay the costs associated with a general election as one will not be required.
- Travis Roberts (Full Term)
- Jesse Williams (Full Term)
- John Kalani (Full Term)
The Notice of Election shall be published in the District’s local newspaper, the Record Gazette, by the Registrar of Voters. If you are a landowner in the High Valleys Water District’s jurisdiction and are interested in running against the above stated incumbents, you may request a Candidacy Packet in person from the Registrar of Voters Office (located at 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507). You may also obtain a Candidacy Packet from the Board Secretary, Nera Thornton, at the High Valleys Water District’s office (located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220; please call our office in advance to ensure a packet will be available).
You will be required to provide a valid picture ID, most recent tax bill naming candidate as the landowner, proof of active voter registration, and most recent High Valleys Water District billing statement. Please note that the District will not pay for any candidacy statements and the cost of printing and handling the statement must be paid by the candidate at the time of filing.
The nomination period will begin May 6th, 2023 and end on June 2nd, 2023.
** Should no one run against the above stated, the Registrar of Voters, along with the Board of Supervisors, shall appoint the incumbents back to their positions and the District will not have to pay the costs associated with a general election as one will not be required.
Due to the drought, we are now in stage II water Restrictions per executive order 2022-0018. Please conserve water in all areas possible. For more information, please visit the California State Water Resource Control Board website at
Due to the drought, we are now in stage II water Restrictions per executive order 2022-0018. Please conserve water in all areas possible. For more information, please visit the California State Water Resource Control Board website at
2/10/22: The High Valleys Water District is accepting resumes for the open seat on the High Valleys Water District's Board of Directors due to the resignation of Luella Van Thornton. All interested candidates must submit a resume by one (or more) of the following ways:
* Email to (please put RESUME FOR OPEN DIRECTOR SEAT as the subject line)
* In person at the High Valleys Water District located in Twin Pines (please call to schedule an appointment as the office is closed to the public due to the pandemic)
* Mail to the District's office located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220.
To be considered, you must be a current property owner in the District's jurisdiction (Twin Pines, Poppet Flats or Mount Edna).
Interviews will be conducted during a closed session (to be posted).
Please note that any candidates that have previously submitted a resume' for Board consideration will need to contact the office if you wish to have it re-submitted as it will not be automatically done.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact the office at 951-849-2612. Thank you.
12/31/21: The High Valleys Water District is accepting resumes for the open seat on the High Valleys Water District's Board of Directors due to the resignation of Mona Van Sickle. All interested candidates must submit a resume by one (or more) of the following ways:
* Email to (please put RESUME FOR OPEN DIRECTOR SEAT as the subject line)
* In person at the High Valleys Water District located in Twin Pines (please call to schedule an appointment as the office is closed to the public due to the pandemic)
* Mail to the District's office located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220.
To be considered, you must be a current property owner in the District's jurisdiction (Twin Pines, Poppet Flats or Mount Edna).
Interviews will be conducted during a closed session (to be posted).
Please note that any candidates that have previously submitted a resume' for Board consideration will need to contact the office if you wish to have it re-submitted as it will not be automatically done.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact the office at 951-849-2612. Thank you.
* Email to (please put RESUME FOR OPEN DIRECTOR SEAT as the subject line)
* In person at the High Valleys Water District located in Twin Pines (please call to schedule an appointment as the office is closed to the public due to the pandemic)
* Mail to the District's office located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220.
To be considered, you must be a current property owner in the District's jurisdiction (Twin Pines, Poppet Flats or Mount Edna).
Interviews will be conducted during a closed session (to be posted).
Please note that any candidates that have previously submitted a resume' for Board consideration will need to contact the office if you wish to have it re-submitted as it will not be automatically done.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact the office at 951-849-2612. Thank you.
5/06/21: On August 31st, 2021, the following seats shall be up for election:
The Notice of Election shall be published in the District’s local newspaper, the Record Gazette, by the Registrar of Voters. If you are a landowner in the High Valleys Water District’s jurisdiction and are interested in running against the above stated incumbents, you may request a Candidacy Packet in person from the Registrar of Voters Office (located at 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507). You may also obtain a Candidacy Packet from the Board Secretary, Nera Thornton, at the High Valleys Water District’s office (located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220; please call our office in advance to ensure a packet will be available).
You will be required to provide a valid picture ID, most recent tax bill naming candidate as the landowner, proof of active voter registration, and most recent High Valleys Water District billing statement. Please note that the District will not pay for any candidacy statements and the cost of printing and handling the statement must be paid by the candidate at the time of filing.
The nomination period will begin May 10th, 2021 and end on June 4th, 2021.
** Should no one run against the above stated, the Registrar of Voters shall appoint the incumbents back to their positions and the District will not have to pay the costs associated with a general election.
- Samuel Hughes (Short Term)
- Travis Roberts (Short Term)
- Vacant (Full Term)
The Notice of Election shall be published in the District’s local newspaper, the Record Gazette, by the Registrar of Voters. If you are a landowner in the High Valleys Water District’s jurisdiction and are interested in running against the above stated incumbents, you may request a Candidacy Packet in person from the Registrar of Voters Office (located at 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507). You may also obtain a Candidacy Packet from the Board Secretary, Nera Thornton, at the High Valleys Water District’s office (located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220; please call our office in advance to ensure a packet will be available).
You will be required to provide a valid picture ID, most recent tax bill naming candidate as the landowner, proof of active voter registration, and most recent High Valleys Water District billing statement. Please note that the District will not pay for any candidacy statements and the cost of printing and handling the statement must be paid by the candidate at the time of filing.
The nomination period will begin May 10th, 2021 and end on June 4th, 2021.
** Should no one run against the above stated, the Registrar of Voters shall appoint the incumbents back to their positions and the District will not have to pay the costs associated with a general election.
4/22/2021: The High Valleys Water District is accepting resumes for the open seat on the High Valleys Water District's Board of Directors due to the resignation of Ernest Wright. All interested candidates must submit a resume by one (or more) of the following ways:
* Email to (please put RESUME FOR OPEN DIRECTOR SEAT as the subject line)
* In person at the High Valleys Water District located in Twin Pines (please call to schedule an appointment as the office is closed to the public due to the pandemic)
* Mail to the District's office located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220.
To be considered, you must be a current property owner in the District's jurisdiction (Twin Pines, Poppet Flats or Mount Edna).
Interviews will be conducted during closed session on May 27th, 2021 and if an appointment is not made at this time, again on June 16th, 2021. Unless otherwise noted on the Agenda's, both meetings will be held at the Rancho Encino Mountain Club in Poppet Flats (45915 Orchard Road, Banning, CA 92220). We ask that you please arrive by 2:45pm as the meeting will start promptly at 3:00pm. You will be screened before entering which includes a temperature check. Masks and social distancing will be required.
Please note that any candidates that have previously submitted a resume' for Board consideration will need to contact the office if you wish to have it re-submitted as it will not be automatically done.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact the office at 951-849-2612. Thank you.
* Email to (please put RESUME FOR OPEN DIRECTOR SEAT as the subject line)
* In person at the High Valleys Water District located in Twin Pines (please call to schedule an appointment as the office is closed to the public due to the pandemic)
* Mail to the District's office located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220.
To be considered, you must be a current property owner in the District's jurisdiction (Twin Pines, Poppet Flats or Mount Edna).
Interviews will be conducted during closed session on May 27th, 2021 and if an appointment is not made at this time, again on June 16th, 2021. Unless otherwise noted on the Agenda's, both meetings will be held at the Rancho Encino Mountain Club in Poppet Flats (45915 Orchard Road, Banning, CA 92220). We ask that you please arrive by 2:45pm as the meeting will start promptly at 3:00pm. You will be screened before entering which includes a temperature check. Masks and social distancing will be required.
Please note that any candidates that have previously submitted a resume' for Board consideration will need to contact the office if you wish to have it re-submitted as it will not be automatically done.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact the office at 951-849-2612. Thank you.
4/05/21: The Board Vice President, Mona Van Sickle, has cancelled the Regular Board Meeting schedule for April 21st, 2021 due to lack of a quorum.
01/06/2021: The HVWD Board of Director's meeting that was scheduled for January 20th, 2021 has been canceled. The next Board of Director's meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17th, 2021.
11/16/20: In regards to the "Bear Hill Pavement Project" currently underway in Poppet Flats (Bear Street), let it be know that the High Valleys Water District is not involved in the payment or purchase of the materials being used. For any inquiries on this matter, please contact the organizers, Leo and Donna Nartker. Thank you.
10/13/20: The Board President, Ernest Wright, has cancelled the Regular Board Meeting schedule for October 21st, 2020. The next scheduled meeting will be held on November 18th, 2020.
4/11/20: The Board President, Ernest Wright, has cancelled the Regular Board Meeting schedule for April 15th, 2020. The next scheduled meeting will be held on May 20th, 2020 via teleconference. The dial in number and pin will be available on the agenda to be posted by May 15th, 2020. You may also call the office after this date to obtain the information.
3/31/20: To view the High Valleys Water District's Proclamation Declaring the Existence of a local Emergency regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), please click here.
3/29/2020: The High Valleys Water District's Board President, Ernest Wright, has called a Special Meeting set for tomorrow, March 31st, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Please note the location will not be at the Water District Office rather it will be at the Rancho Encino Mountain Club Center (45915 Orchard Road in Poppet Flats) to allow the 6 foot distance rule for all attendees.
All Attendees will be screened before entering the building to ensure public safety. Screening questions can be viewed at:
The agenda can be viewed by clicking here.
All Attendees will be screened before entering the building to ensure public safety. Screening questions can be viewed at:
The agenda can be viewed by clicking here.
3/20/2020: Effective immediately, the High Valleys Water District’s office will be closed to the public until further notice. Operations will remain the same.
Check, cash and money orders for payments can be left in the Dropbox located on the door to the right of the building. Receipts can be emailed or mailed upon request (please provide an address with your payment or call the office). You may also mail in your payment, but please do not mail cash.
Credit/Debit card payments can still be made over the phone by calling the office (M-Th;8a-3p) at 951-849-2612.
We also accept PayPal through our website (please click on the payment options tab above). *** If choosing this option, please make sure the “shipping address” matches the service address to ensure the correct account is credited.***
If you have a water emergency or to report a leak, please contact the General Manager, Curtis "Stan" Houghton, at 951-675-8200. Thank you for your understanding.
Check, cash and money orders for payments can be left in the Dropbox located on the door to the right of the building. Receipts can be emailed or mailed upon request (please provide an address with your payment or call the office). You may also mail in your payment, but please do not mail cash.
Credit/Debit card payments can still be made over the phone by calling the office (M-Th;8a-3p) at 951-849-2612.
We also accept PayPal through our website (please click on the payment options tab above). *** If choosing this option, please make sure the “shipping address” matches the service address to ensure the correct account is credited.***
If you have a water emergency or to report a leak, please contact the General Manager, Curtis "Stan" Houghton, at 951-675-8200. Thank you for your understanding.
Since the number of qualified candidates does not exceed the number of offices to be filled and a petition requesting that the election be held was not filed by June 5th, 2019, the scheduled election will not be held. The County Board of Supervisors will appoint the qualified candidates to the office in lieu of election and they will serve as if they had been elected. Certificates of Appointment in Lieu of Election will be issued after the Board of Supervisors take action.
Since the number of qualified candidates does not exceed the number of offices to be filled and a petition requesting that the election be held was not filed by June 5th, 2019, the scheduled election will not be held. The County Board of Supervisors will appoint the qualified candidates to the office in lieu of election and they will serve as if they had been elected. Certificates of Appointment in Lieu of Election will be issued after the Board of Supervisors take action.
5/06/2019: On August 27th, 2019, the following seats shall be up for election:
If you are a landowner in the High Valleys Water District’s jurisdiction and are interested in running against the above stated incumbents, you may request a Candidacy Packet in person from the Registrar of Voters Office (located at 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507). You may also obtain a Candidacy Packet from the Board Secretary, Nera Thornton, at the High Valleys Water District’s office (located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220; please call our office in advance to ensure a packet will be available). Please note that the District will not pay for any candidacy statements and the cost of printing and handling the statement must be paid by the candidate at the time of filing.
The deadline for you to submit your information directly to the Registrar of Voters Office is May 31st, 2019.
- Mona Van Sickle (Full Term)
- Clarence “Tip” Haaland (Full Term)
- Luella Thornton (Short Term)
- Samuel Hughes (Short Term)
If you are a landowner in the High Valleys Water District’s jurisdiction and are interested in running against the above stated incumbents, you may request a Candidacy Packet in person from the Registrar of Voters Office (located at 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507). You may also obtain a Candidacy Packet from the Board Secretary, Nera Thornton, at the High Valleys Water District’s office (located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, CA 92220; please call our office in advance to ensure a packet will be available). Please note that the District will not pay for any candidacy statements and the cost of printing and handling the statement must be paid by the candidate at the time of filing.
The deadline for you to submit your information directly to the Registrar of Voters Office is May 31st, 2019.
1/17/2019: The Board of Director's voted yesterday to suspend all new incoming commercial accounts until further review by legal council. If you have questions, please contact the General Manager.
11/05/2018: The High Valleys Water District currently has an opening for entry level field technician (click here for job description/qualifications). Resumes can be submitted via email at or in person at the District Office located at 47781 Twin Pines Road, Banning, Ca 92220. If interested, or for more information, please contact the District Office at 951-849-2612. ***POSITION FILLED 1/07/19***
3/12/18: On Monday, 3/12/18, a letter was mailed out to all of our customers, including owners (if the account was in the tenants name) regarding the new imposed Commercial Rate. To view the letter, please click here. (En Espanol, clic aqui.)
1/25/18: Due to recent events, the District will no longer provide courtesy calls to delinquent accounts. Per the rules & regulations set forth by the Board of Directors, accounts become delinquent if not paid in full on or before the due date indicated on your monthly invoice (approximately 25 days from the billing date). It is the sole responsibility of the property owner to ensure invoices are paid in a timely manner. If an account should be come delinquent, a Final Notice will be served, which includes an additional $15.00 fee. If you have any questions, please contact the office or the General Manager.
12/21/17: At yesterday's Board Meeting, the Director's voted to approve the plan to accelerate the deposit amount for habitually delinquent accounts. For more information, please contact the office.
9/21/17: EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1ST, 2017: There will be a $2.00 convenience fee (per transaction) applied to all credit/debit card payments. If you choose to pay with a credit/debit card, whether it be in-person, over-the-phone or through auto pay, an additional $2.00 charge will be applied to your payment. This fee was discussed and voted on at the regular Board Meeting held on September 20th, 2017, as item 7 on the posted Agenda.
9/07/2017: The official results for the High Valleys Water District's election has been posted on the Registrar of Voter's website. The results are as follows:
John Bernades Kalani 418,135
Devorah Lazan Kalani 418,923
Robert Hughes 3,380,351
Ernest Wright 3,419,364
Total Eligible Voters: 668
Total Eligible Value: $20,364,022
Total Ballots Cast: 104
John Bernades Kalani 418,135
Devorah Lazan Kalani 418,923
Robert Hughes 3,380,351
Ernest Wright 3,419,364
Total Eligible Voters: 668
Total Eligible Value: $20,364,022
Total Ballots Cast: 104
8/29/2017: The results for the High Valleys Water District's election has been posted on the Registrar of Voters website. Since there is roughly 50 vote by mail ballots that still need to be processes, there will be an update at approximately 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 31st, 2017. Current results are as follows:
John Bernades Kalani 418,135
Devorah Lazan Kalani 418,923
Robert Hughes 3,302,541
Ernest Wright 3,341,554
John Bernades Kalani 418,135
Devorah Lazan Kalani 418,923
Robert Hughes 3,302,541
Ernest Wright 3,341,554
The following is a Letter published in the September 16th, 2016 issue of the Record Gazette regarding Chromium 6. It was written by John Jeter, President of the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency and can be viewed at the following URL:
"To the Editor,
Banning Councilman Ed Miller’s advertisement in the Record Gazette regarding chromium 6 may very well have frightened many Banning residents, who may now question if the water they are drinking will harm them. Based on conversations with local water experts, here is what I have learned.
Chromium 6 is a naturally occurring chemical that happens to be present in our local groundwater in very low concentrations. On July 1, 2014, the state of California became the only state in the country to issue a standard for this chemical – 10 parts per billion.
Local Banning groundwater that was perfectly acceptable to drink on June 30, 2014 became undrinkable the next day because of actions taken by state regulators. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has not even issued a standard for this constituent, because it does not have enough scientific evidence to determine at what level (if any) it is harmful to humans.
The city is complying with state law. It has submitted a compliance plan to the state and is on track to reduce the concentration below 10 parts per billion by 2020. The fact of the matter is, the period required to comply with the new regulations, including designing new treatment systems, securing financing, building and testing new treatment facilities – takes years. Cities all over the state, including Banning, are currently going through this process.
Our elected city council and city staff have worked to ensure that the city is complying with the law, including being on target to reduce the concentration of chromium 6 to below 10 parts per billion by Jan. 1, 2010. In the meantime, Banning residents should take comfort in the fact that there is no scientific evidence that chromium 6 is harmful to humans in the concentration in which it exists in our water supply.
John Jeter, President, San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency"
"To the Editor,
Banning Councilman Ed Miller’s advertisement in the Record Gazette regarding chromium 6 may very well have frightened many Banning residents, who may now question if the water they are drinking will harm them. Based on conversations with local water experts, here is what I have learned.
Chromium 6 is a naturally occurring chemical that happens to be present in our local groundwater in very low concentrations. On July 1, 2014, the state of California became the only state in the country to issue a standard for this chemical – 10 parts per billion.
Local Banning groundwater that was perfectly acceptable to drink on June 30, 2014 became undrinkable the next day because of actions taken by state regulators. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has not even issued a standard for this constituent, because it does not have enough scientific evidence to determine at what level (if any) it is harmful to humans.
The city is complying with state law. It has submitted a compliance plan to the state and is on track to reduce the concentration below 10 parts per billion by 2020. The fact of the matter is, the period required to comply with the new regulations, including designing new treatment systems, securing financing, building and testing new treatment facilities – takes years. Cities all over the state, including Banning, are currently going through this process.
Our elected city council and city staff have worked to ensure that the city is complying with the law, including being on target to reduce the concentration of chromium 6 to below 10 parts per billion by Jan. 1, 2010. In the meantime, Banning residents should take comfort in the fact that there is no scientific evidence that chromium 6 is harmful to humans in the concentration in which it exists in our water supply.
John Jeter, President, San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency"
4/28/16: We are pleased to announce that the winner of our gift card drawing is Gary & Carolyn Stickel. Congratulations! Mr. & Mrs. Stickel were among the dozen customers who successfully turned in their community input towards the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan by April 1st, 2016. We would like to thank everyone who participated and encourage everyone to attend the High Valleys Water District's monthly meetings, which are held in the office every third Wednesday of the month, starting promptly at 3:00pm
4/06/16: Board President Ernest Wright has rescheduled April's Board Meeting from the third Wednesday to the fourth Wednesday of this Month. The new date and time is Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 at 2:00PM. The location will still be the High Valleys Water District Office.
3/7/16: Do you want a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card? If so, please continue reading.
If you haven't already, you should be receiving a postcard from the High Valleys Water District regarding the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. The District needs community input to incorporate into our plan so that we may qualify for FEMA assistance in case of a disaster. If you know of any potential hazard or risk situation in your immediate area, please let us know! The postcards may be returned to one of the Community Input Drop Boxes (located at the Twin Pines and Poppet Flats Bulletin Boards) no later than April 1st, 2016. You may also drop them off at the Office (if closed, please put in the payment drop box located to the right on the building). This is opened to all Mount Edna, Twin Pines and Poppet Flats residents. Didn't receive your postcard? No worries! You can pick one up at the office and simply return to the District by the due date. If you have any questions, please give me a call at the office (M-Th from 8am - 3pm)and I will assist you the best I can. Thanks everyone and good luck! **One entry per person, per property please**
If you haven't already, you should be receiving a postcard from the High Valleys Water District regarding the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. The District needs community input to incorporate into our plan so that we may qualify for FEMA assistance in case of a disaster. If you know of any potential hazard or risk situation in your immediate area, please let us know! The postcards may be returned to one of the Community Input Drop Boxes (located at the Twin Pines and Poppet Flats Bulletin Boards) no later than April 1st, 2016. You may also drop them off at the Office (if closed, please put in the payment drop box located to the right on the building). This is opened to all Mount Edna, Twin Pines and Poppet Flats residents. Didn't receive your postcard? No worries! You can pick one up at the office and simply return to the District by the due date. If you have any questions, please give me a call at the office (M-Th from 8am - 3pm)and I will assist you the best I can. Thanks everyone and good luck! **One entry per person, per property please**
2/18/16: We will be sending out surveys to all customers asking for your input regarding the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Once you receive your survey, please fill out the appropriate sections and return to us within 10 days for your chance to win a $50 prepaid giftcard!
2/8/16: Starting in March, we will be upgrading old meters to newer, calibrated ones for a more accurate reading. This change may result in a higher monthly bill. If you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call at 951-675-8200. Thank you for your understanding in our efforts to better our District.